
Maple sapling the long dark
Maple sapling the long dark

Risk Level: Low in terms of its prevalence – most maple trees will not contract it. Season: Summer, typically July and August

maple sapling the long dark

The best treatment is prevention through proper maintenance. In severe cases, remove tree, fumigate soil, and plant a wilt-resistant species in its place.

maple sapling the long dark

Treatment: No cure, but some trees can recover with proper care. Symptoms: Wilted, yellowing leaves on one side of the tree stunted leaf growth and leaf loss discolored wood under barkĬauses: Soil-based fungus “verticillium dahlia” or “verticillium albo-atrum” Dead leaves will fall to the ground and the soil will reabsorb the fungus, potentially setting off a wider infestation. When this happens, water and nutrients are unable to reach branches and leaves. Verticillium wiltĪ fungal infection of the soil that penetrates a tree’s roots, verticillium wilt takes down a maple tree’s vascular (or circulatory) system. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most common maple tree diseases from most to least serious. Infections capable of killing these plants tend to attack a tree’s internal systems, invading via the roots. These types of health conditions generally affect the leaves, producing unsightly leaf spots and barren tree limbs. The majority of maple tree diseases are purely cosmetic and don’t threaten the life of the tree. So, what’s ailing your maple? Let’s take a look at the possibilities below to find out. Treatment ranges from pruning dead branches to removing the entire tree and fumigating the soil to doing nothing at all, depending on the infection. These can include diseases, such as tar spot, verticillium wilt, anthracnose, leaf scorch, powdery mildew, and lichen, to name a few. Typically, maple trees can live healthy lives for up to 300 years, but sometimes they fall prey to illness.

maple sapling the long dark

That is, unless a stealthy attacker attempts to sap these trees of their splendor - and even their lives. Perfect as an accent piece or to line a long driveway, there’s no denying the beauty and majesty these towering plants exude.

maple sapling the long dark

Symbolic of strength, endurance, balance, and longevity, maple trees have not only rooted themselves in our world culture but also in our landscape designs.

Maple sapling the long dark