Badass Normal: No Powered Armor, no cybernetics, no helpful mutations. He was in Canada at some point, meaning he partook in quite a lot of atrocities the US Army committed during the annexation. Affectionate Nickname: Called Alex, his first son, "Little Nut". The Desert Ranger Combat Armor he found and used has the same Damage Threshold the Elite Riot Gear you find in Lonesome Road. Should you complete the DLC without getting it from them, it's Permanently Missed. Unfortunately suffers from bugs in that your enemies and allies can pick it up. Easily one of the better unique guns in the game, right up there with This Machine. Ace Custom: The Survivalist's Rifle, his custom AR-15/Service Rifle chambered in 12.7mm in a manner similar to real-life. Despite having died more than a century ago, he has a lot more to do with the current state of affairs in Zion than you may think. Body had its own drive."Ī Pre-War soldier who became a Crazy Survivalist, hiding out in Zion National Park to escape the nuclear apocalypse. Use your own words, don't just quote/copy and paste from the mod's Nexus page."It wasn't choice. Include any useful links to content that is being discussed so users don't have to search for it.
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